Monday 12 April 2010

Leigh's Pembrey The Aftermath

If a picture paints a thousand words and why I am black and blue!

Actually I think one word sums this up............Buggar!!

Obviously the weekend didn't go as planned. After being brought off on the Friday practice in the first session I managed to get the bike back on track for the weekend racing. Should have taken this as an omen really but we battle on. This happened in the last race on Sunday. As usual I felt I was riding the best I had all weekend and had my sights set on grabbing 4th place being on the back wheels of Andy Bright and Sam Nicholson. With just 5 laps to go I decided to crank it up it notch. Unfortunately I ran a little wide on a 4th gear left hand corner and onto some oil. Even though you're probably doing 80mph the back end drifted out and slowly lay me on the tarmac then departed from my company. The only thing not in the picture is a hole through the arse of my leathers and one through my gloves which took the skin off my left hand. What with the crash on Friday I have managed to wreck the bike, 2 sets of leathers ( 1 brand new), a helmet and a pair of brand new gloves. Don't think Alex will be letting me anywhere near his bikes now!! Saying that, I am really only copying the maestro. He managed 2 crashes at Mallory so why not do the same. Anyway I'm off now for a little cry.

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